
A healthy pregnancy must be planned and prepared. First, a routine gynecological examination is required before pregnancy. This routine gynecological examination requires smears, pelvic ultrasound examinations and blood tests. The aim of this study is to determine the risk situations that may occur during the pregnancy of the mother-to-be and to carry out treatment if necessary. In this way, risk factors are identified, and an individual pregnancy tracking plan is created.

From the moment you want to get pregnant, you should quit smoking and stay away from smoking environments. Alcohol should definitely be discontinued in the period before pregnancy, and treatment with some medications (antidepressants, blood pressure medications, etc.) that has been started before should be adjusted or changed under the supervision of a doctor. Some acne medications (vitamin A, isotretinoin) should be discontinued at least 6 months before pregnancy.

The normal course of pregnancy depends on you being aware of all aspects of pregnancy care and following them closely. Pregnancy, left to its course without observance of the necessary rules, prepares the ground for various dangers for mother and child from the very beginning. In this respect, the mother should be sufficiently informed about successive events such as pregnancy, childbirth, puerperality and breastfeeding.

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Birth in Antalya

Birth in Antalya

Birth is the process of the fully developed baby, which is viable in the outside world, leaving the womb. This process is initiated by contractions in the womb and continues with the delivery and expulsion of the placenta and other afterbirth. The sign of the beginning of birth are contractions. But whether these contractions are also labor pain is determined by their regularity and the short intervals between them. When contractions occur 3 times within 10 minutes and do not disappear even at rest, these are real labor pains. Birth can be both a normal delivery and a birth with the initiation of artificial contractions or by caesarean section. If the contractions start as described above, it is high time to grab the birth bag and go to the hospital.

Normal childbirth is the birth through the vagina. Normal childbirth can be spontaneous (by itself), assisted or initiated. During normal delivery, the mother delivers the baby under the supervision of the health staff, but without their intervention. At this point, it must be stressed that childbirth at home is an important risk for both baby and maternal mortality, and that any childbirth should take place under the care of healthcare professionals and, if possible, in a health facility.

The pain a woman experiences during childbirth can be grouped into two main categories. Functional contractions are pain caused by the contractions of the uterus, opening of the cervix and sagging of the baby in the birth canal, which occur during childbirth, and through medical interventions. Pain, which can be described as affective, can occur when the pain threshold is lowered due to reasons such as ignorance or woman's fears.

75% of infant mortality and diseases associated with pregnancy and childbirth occur in babies born before the 37th pregnancy week and especially before the 32nd pregnancy week. In prematurely born children, the risk of stroke is increased and there may be diseases of vision and hearing disorders.

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